Saturday, April 9, 2011

I suddenly felt about love is not so simple

     If there is background, may be more difficult! Li Tang

    speech drove away, returned last night's campfire rest for a moment, to the people dose of antidote, unlock acupuncture points. Several people were all poisoned, after the dose of antidote am awake, he sat quietly holding Fengfeng car, a hand in the sleeve pocket, motionless.

    Fengfeng hug him tightly and mute.

    After a child, Don Li-speech holding his fingers slightly move a little, gently ask the ask him back.

    his lips a slight movement seems to be going a smile, but in the end is not laughing. Feng Feng tears his cheeks chest rub was chaos, he does not move, so the baby up more and more bold, pointed at his right hand immobile biting down, then cried more and more loudly, like a bite of his own the same.

    He raised his right hand, hold up his hands to Feng Feng, properly in my arms. Crying hoarse little thing seemed to feel some satisfaction, small voice up in his arms and rubbing, ready to sleep position, to exactly the same as ever. Li Tang holding his speech, and some of the stiffness, the end is slowly relax the body, holding Fengfeng quiet, like before.

    twists and turns, and only the arms of the little things, but also hope and their like before. He closed his eyes and listen to the changes around, no one knows - had just his sleeve pearl only those two.

    when the rest of the pearls in the lost and gone? He does not know.

    Fengfeng has been asleep in his arms, tears in her eyes, he listened to the carriage of many people breathing, there are many things to take root in his mind to become misty, blowing a strange sober, Some of the burden he could have perished had not back up, he can now afford to back, is one of the few people around the life and death.

    he had a few people do not care about life and death from, or the fate of hundreds of people,vibram 5 fingers, anyway, these people long dead, anyway, just as he handed out a smile or a priceless treasure, more people will come follow him, what a pity? Why care?

    but maybe ... ... in fact, completely not like that.

    he was not thinking about how tired to control and torture, and now can do, but the guard only.

    around some noise, looked up Don Li-speech, but it is actually the first Arab-Israeli who woke up. She slightly opened her eyes, then got up and did not notice any idea there was a short break and sat up to help after a slight amount, raised his head,mac brushes, then looked at his speech to see Li Tang.

    he only saw that one will be turned away, she sighed slightly, the group of jade around children and the driver righting posture, got up and looked at the eyes and Catherine Liu. I do not know why the toxicity of her back was even faster, and the remaining four are still unconscious, looked at the arms of the Feng Feng Tang Li resigned,mac makeup, she lifted the curtain of the carriage, get off the remnants of the night to re-fuel the fire up, then put pan to start boiling water.

    put aside the curtain that he looked at her hard busy, she was staggered to see the stream to fetch water, to see that she struggled to drag the heavy iron mouth. She does not complain, he does not help, but that fire is slowly burning up, the pot of boiling water or up gradually.

    Tang Li resigned smile had dissipated without a trace. Liu eye rarely sees a face without expression, see also Feng Feng in his arms, and my heart naturally surprised, but they did not know, and what he said. Yu-group children spit long-winded, suddenly sat up, oh soon as dizziness, but also fell, Liu eyes quickly escorted him. Yu-group children blinked, dizziness has not faded, she asked, If normal, he will is to smile, pretending to be easy to save just a gift, but he neither spoke nor moved. Jade Group child somehow to see Catherine and Ma Shu still unconscious, was shocked how quickly to touch the two in the end? Touched down, Catherine delicate body, never received such a pain, but it is initiated by a high fever, car Fuma t just fell asleep.

    has become now.

    speech Tang Li looked at him and nodded. Liu eyes increasingly felt odd, but it also could not say anything further. Yu-group children looked at him strangely, porcelain vase, unplug the cork, the bottle is only one pill, Zihei the color, there was a funny smell.

    carriage outside the sound of someone tapping the three, Liu eyes looked up and saw the Arab who was pale and slightly stained cheeks flush, but it had a tea tray side smiling, holding two cups of green tea on a tray, all frightened, and drink hot tea bar. Liu eye who has grabbed the hand of A, speechless, Yu-group children shocked, hurriedly got up and helped her, Ah who is sane, and the light laugh, Associate and then playing with those, come back! speech one, slight bite, law-abiding corner sitting in the cart, Tang Li resigned as farther away, the Feng Feng hold in your arms, sat quietly.

    She did not sleep too sleepy.

    Ma Liu Shu was finally awakened by the sound eye, and quickly go out of the car, helped light a fire packed some water, jade group children had jumped out, and Liu dispute eyes I do not know what the car leaving only the speech and Catherine Tang Li, A who and Feng Feng.

    She sat quietly, Celine wake up some and found the arms of his speech in the Tang Li, raised his body gave him a kiss, right again to sleep, she saw, but also did not see the same as .

    quiet for a while in the carriage, her chest pain, chills the body, but has been unable to sleep, have not seen for a while, the body to limp slightly. Feng Feng woke up, opened his eyes gazing at her, did not seem to understand why she was shaking, her smile, gently stroked his soft cheek.

    a hand suddenly over, and her body taut, instinctive back to back. She dodge too hard, even the carriage are driven to shake her back a bit - would only Shouben forehead to hold her, but just caught her hand.

    Then he hold her Momen, she heard he coughed, a surge of gentle warmth begins with Momen came over, and soon the warmth of her body, chest pain also seems to be less , the body is not shaking. She gasped slightly some effort, he softly said,

    she shut up, sipping the lip line, slightly a little perseverance the color slightly.

    Trance she almost forgot how he does not care to throw her out for her to die, but also forgot how she willing to die ... ... so shallow she laughed,mac makeup wholesale, through the help of ex Tang Gongzai ... ...

    She Road, and gently sighed, whispered, He
    no sound, did not answer a word.

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