Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Variable eighteen eighteen ladies ladies Square staged fashion show was held yesterday - Sohu Guangdong

     eighth lady Square hosted
    conference in the spring, summer, autumn and winter the four themes, to show the eighth lady Square runs through fashion, casual,mac makeup wholesale, simple clothing and other popular elements of the unique charm. In the spring series, warm purple, pink lady continued Square eighteen elegant style consistent, so elegant and refined, beautiful and romantic spring suddenly haunted heart. The summer series, the eternal white and blue, to show us that like the blue and white as fresh, cold summer, sun and beaches of the infinite longing arises spontaneously. In the autumn harvest theme, pearl, lace, flowers, butterflies filled the air,vibram 5 fingers, replacing the autumn wind blows, leaves sultry depression. Full of Christmas atmosphere in the winter, Scotland Lange satin, plush, under the red veil enjoy the release of its enthusiasm and vitality; for the winter is no longer cold, but in the cozy warmth, the expected arrival of spring. Conference, we see the eighth lady Square, newly installed in 2007 has added many new elements, such as warm and imaginative red, and about the prevalence of light gray and sea soul style, but also joined the intellectual women of the . Conference demonstrated the eighth lady Square real
    Shu send clothing, Guangzhou City, was founded in 1998, its stores turnover in 2006 increased 150% over the previous year. Since last year, this has always been in the field are well-known brands of fire, breath in Guangzhou opened 20 stores, and are able to achieve profitability. To showcase the country to join the strong vitality of the brand. The conference, held in conjunction with the eighth annual summary of the General Assembly Ladies Square 2006, invited well-known TV presenter areas of Guangdong and the veteran TV host Chih-hang, Attend this conference are from all 27 provinces and cities on behalf of eighteen ladies Square store,mac makeup, agents, suppliers, partners, as well as including the Rayli Her Style
    Yeguo Ming, Guangzhou, general manager of Shu sent the company said that the holding of the conference is to let more people know about eighteen lady Square,mac brushes, at the same time so that is in transition, continue to change the eighteenth Ladies Square, as more Chinese women to services. Jing has the company's design director said in an interview: the performance of their own unique qualities to find costumes. to reward providers and staff, the highest award by the Beijing agency Zhou obtained Refine cars, in recognition of her place in Beijing to expand his outstanding contributions.
    text / Chen Ying

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