Tuesday, April 26, 2011

【 Indonesia 】 yacht sank off the coast of Indonesia priceless treasure wreck Secret Legend of the


brave incense hanging in Indonesia

according to the Indonesian media reported on February 1, Indonesia's eastern coast on January 27 boat incident, 35 people with 24 on board China citizens, most of which are still missing. According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported that a high-speed yacht in the Aru Islands in eastern Indonesia (AruIslands) near the sea waters, has killed 3 people identified, a survivors were rescued, 31 still missing, rescue workers are still 1 full search and rescue. According to reports, the ship most of the people in the local Chinese citizens.

2003 Indonesia in a large number of marine salvage Yue celadon

According to the island of Java, Indonesia Cirebon waters 100 nautical miles to the NATO, a German submarine fleet survey found that estimates a wreck the 8th century AD. Deep sunken submarine, 60 meters from the surface of the water depth, which makes difficult salvage work, the results after several years of hard struggle with the waves. Survey employed a large number of local divers fleet, and slowly seek, lift the wreck of a large number of Chinese porcelain and the extensive Yue celadon Yellow Gold.

famous Yue kilns in ancient China. Pure and noble Celadon won the Five Dynasties, Tang Yue celadon renowned not only domestic, but also as a token of trade trade and cultural exchanges across the oceans as the

The style and the Shanghai Museum's collection of a Pacific Tiger is AD 978, the Northern Song Taiping and rejuvenating three years.

Yue Cirebon shipwreck celadon section

the Cirebon shipwreck actually pulled more than a dozen million in one fell swoop the Yue celadon, is indeed shocking, not to mention it are firing celadon Yue Wu Yue is in the subversion of the end of the product.
the Yue celadon, regardless of plate, bowl or pot enforcement, are words engraved above paragraph, big, day, stop, B, well clear of these sites are in Cixi in Yue celadon treasure Shanglinhu firing, and firing at the time was a lot of secret color porcelain place. A bowl full of five more to The other foot on the bottom of the bowl Lotus Petal the wall reliefs and a bowl, engraved with an image,

Cirebon shipwreck celadon decoration

Yue Yue celadon wrecks, including implementation of changes in pot decoration dishes, and Yue are basically consistent with the local unearthed.
dishes: the huge number of dishes up to more than 90,000 pieces, the well-established surface without flowers, there are thin lines incised double parrot, two cicada pattern, double lines and wild flowers, the characters patterned. There is a tape, the pattern is covered with lotus leaf veins, the middle stood a tortoise, it is Jin literature and the Han Dynasty Records said
covered box, spittoon, etc.: in other parts of the cover more than 70,000 boxes, spittoon, Tao He, Handicap bottles, care and four light tanks and other Department of diverse objects, the decoration is very dynamic and characterization of thin Bird, a large number of flowers and grain. A giant covered box, with box Geese thin characterizations, but the diameter of about 40 cm long, making it stand out as a rare monster Yue celadon.
cover box to relief lotus, Lotus Petal accounted for a lot, and exquisitely carved,mac makeup wholesale, curved convex delivered, there is an octagonal cup ears made of more plastic coated with beast head.
handed pot: Executive pot decoration also make more use of fine line drawing carved parrots, flowers. Exciting or its relief work, such as parrots Flying, Peony, stereoscopic particularly strong, people put it down.
carve carved ovens: wreck, there are a lot of ovens to hollow carved lotus-shaped carving is like envy. Such ovens, the Famen Temple in Shaanxi Fufeng also on display.
Animal Plastic: There are a lot of birds shaped plastic parts are out of the water, and that the shape of Cixi City Museum of Birds Wanqi very much alike. Others such as Guixing, bird-shaped plastic parts are mixed in, has not been to the salt as cleaning, also do not see it as Yue device.

Yue few rare deer-shaped device

Covered Box: The salvage work is completed on the last day, we accidentally picked up a very fine deer-shaped covered box, really treasure , this utensil is small, about ten centimeters long, five or six centimeters high, but delicate work, a box shaped like a deer sitting and lying on the ground, bending the first lick dent repair, a staghorn still intact, which is part of the cover, and box is the deer's lower body body, Lutui cross-stacked, discernible. Such deer-shaped covered box, the first time in the Yue-ri. Plastic
Capricorn: Capricorn has a giant plastic fish, vivid, Alice, after the tail, head sky, big mouth, to 20 cm long, 15 cm high, appears to be used for lamp , the body scales, fin pattern bump rocks, the head structure from Yandao gills, were told in clear, not vague. Because without washing, it can not be confirmed as Yue device.
bucket of bottles pot: a pot of a bucket of bottles, elegant, Ti Liang Chi form a coil ring keyless, Hushen oval, short and accompanied by a short stream, the body of paste around Xianwen. This pot is also in Zhejiang, one of Nantong Museum, but the era of the Tang Dynasty was located. Stream from the shape of the short term, and the wreck of the year from authentic, this is the Five Dynasties and the firing of the pot.
four petal-shaped Packing carton: Famen Temple in Shaanxi porcelain set of square Japanese secret color Taohe angle is secret color porcelain Yue classic, this time we breath out of six or seven four finishing Packing carton-shaped petals, although they have not been panning, Zhao was already king of gas. The body of hollow flower-shaped, should be used as ventilation. Packing carton We stacked up to five or six much. The first lid
Phoenix: A phoenix first lid, shape beautiful, slender feathers, high spirits, the bottom hole of the pedicle is also accompanied by a form of conflict, can be tied to the pot body system, easy to tea and wine.
large octagonal pot enforcement: There is a large octagonal Executive pot, lid intact, the body of non-destructive, long curved handle flow. Irksome Hushen eight fold in the face, elaborately carved god figures, clouds curls, bustling, it is spectacular. This is twenty to thirty centimeters tall and up to the execution of pot in the kiln control it is also rare.

spectacular wreck of the Blackstone Heritage Legend

painting in the thirteenth century Arab ship

Heritage site staff clean water

Blackstone No. underwater scene

Blackstone salvage the Balenghaitang barbarian SKILL Gold Cup

roe to gold plate engraved

West style up to 1 meter long-handled pot pupil

stunning discovery: shipwreck remains continuously available, December 22, 2007, Yangjiang, Guangdong waters sink into the Southern Song Dynasty shipwreck 800 years, 1998 German submarine treasure hunters Belitung Island in Indonesia have discovered a sea of ​​Arab ancient sunken ship loaded with goods, gold and silver, 3 Tang Dynasty blue and white porcelain dish and intact sensation.

ship salvage company was named stage, the Institute of Archaeology, Zhuo Zhen-West Province and other Chinese researchers, scholars have been invited to Singapore to observe the shipwreck relics and took plenty of pictures, so that domestic academic circles these treasures have a more comprehensive understanding.

number of salvage Blackstone began in September 1998 to June 1999 basically completed, beginning in 2000 to sort of salvage artifacts. Porcelain bowls unearthed in Changsha Kiln calendar years with the reign of Tang Dynasty treasure in combination with other objects to research, the wreck was identified as 9 years half of the century.

2002 in Shanghai at the first conference was informed of the domestic cultural industry profiles of Blackstone Road, immediately aroused great concern, Nanjing Museum, Mr. Zhang Pusheng had lamented in an interview: The rich, the number of large, preservation of integrity, very rare. But the Blackstone offer for 40 million salvage relics U.S. dollars, equivalent to 300 million yuan, and that not auction.

Singapore . Although these artifacts were not domestic acquisition, but settled in the Chinese cultural circle of Singapore is still blessing.

Blackstone save the hull number of basic integrity, and is the earliest discovered shipwrecks Arabic, Chinese ceramics boat sank in Indonesian waters, and proved that the Tang dynasty of China and the Indian Ocean west of the Middle East Asian countries, in particular, Persian, Arab, has a direct maritime trade, Blackstone numbers sank to their own misfortune, as the

More exotic artifacts, including 10 gold, the exquisite gold with 1970 caches unearthed in Xi'an Tang Ka Ho comparable to gold and silver,vibram 5 fingers, which Balenghaitang barbarian Gold 10 cm high, more than any village unearthed two Balenghaitang barbarian Gold (5.3 cm, 6.1 cm) size is also slightly more, 24 pieces of silver, 18 silver and 30 bronze mirrors collars, silver collar single piece can weigh up to 2 kg, bronze mirrors have a rare expertise in the royal tribute The river mirror, decorated with the four gods gossip and inscriptions. Other small artifacts may be on board the crew's personal items, including two bottles, one Lacquer Tray (broken), ivory games (like the dual use of recreation land), and ink stone, ink and so on.

Changsha Kiln porcelain about 56,500, the shape to the bowl, followed by the implementation of pot, and other shapes, including cups, plates, spoons, boxes, cans, ovens, lamps and a small Zodiac Cisu , a bowl with pieces of bowl to write a with the nature of advertising language, a large number of mosaic, Lian Peng, birds, Capricorn Yu Wen, the newly discovered product greatly enriched in Changsha Changsha kiln kiln content and artistic decoration, but also for the establishment of Changsha kiln to provide the status of export porcelain kilns the evidence, with Arab-style decorative patterns and Arabic script, explains Tang Changsha Kiln West Asia market adjusted to fit his own artistic features of the product. 200 pieces of porcelain including salvage produced in Zhejiang Yue celadon (including aromatherapy and other rare hollow shape), 350 northern white (one third are white Xing Kiln in Hebei research products, more than the rest of the kiln in Henan Gongxian white), 200 northern white glazed ceramic green color and more than 700 pieces of Guangdong, the rough places celadon kilns firing.

mystery aboard the Blackstone lot, salvage water's green color porcelain white glaze and Hebei and Henan Gongxian firing style similar to similar products, but Blackstone salvage the West up to 1 m high style shank enough pots,mac brushes, strange shapes, the shape of the same products in the country has never been found, with a white glaze to salvage the ship leading the green color matches the type of device size with them, like the lid. Another batch of green ceramic glaze in the bottom two feet in the central dishes were engraved with or both may be equipped with diplomatic diplomatic mission.

The new excavations have unearthed products green glaze ceramic pot fragments and Tang blue enforcement, through archaeological excavation to resolve the origin of the Tang blue and white issues, future products and Blackstone No. kilns in Henan and Hebei Xing Kiln Huang Ye compare products, research,mac makeup, and No part of the ceramic Blackstone help solve questions of unknown origin. It is reported that Hunan has been intentionally introduced in the 2008 wreck of the Blackstone Heritage to domestic exhibitions, this group is expected to wreck Relic veil opened to the public in early.

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