Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The song is very suitable for studying Japanese

    ,bobbi brown brushes
    flower * flower <さよならなki good people

    Kiroro the < longいroom

    Mika Nakashima 's < snowのChina

    JUJU 's < Genkiをしてout

    Koda 's ( candlelight )

    KOKIA of <あがとうri

    Utada 's ( First Love )

    Mika Nakashima 's <桜うころColor Dance

    remonstrance Hill Mika students < Takedaのchild keep chanting

    plain Ayaka 's <いちののformer

    Shibata Chun 's

    high bell

    Chennai Ito

    Iowa Son <やさしいFlower

    KOKIA 's

    Shibata Chun 's < Moonlight Bath >

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