Tuesday, April 19, 2011

IT managers the world industrial chain crisis

     Perhaps, after two months, HTC will present 80 days run out of stock preparation, the preparation mostly from Japan. HTC this year can be a big ambition has long been obvious,mac makeup wholesale, 2010, the annual output 24,700,000 units, an internal target in 2011 is said to reach 50 million units. The end of March, according to the established time, HTC of Taiwan and Mainland China gathered in Shanghai high-level, re-set organizational structure to fully meet the sales targets achieved. Meeting on the important issues is how to assess and address the major earthquake in Japan caused the problem the industry strand breaks.

    no one can do Xu Ling can do. She runs a cosmetics trading company, on March 25 and notified by the Japanese cosmetics company more than usual orders for the next half, but could not arrive, who also said not good.

    two months later? Xu Ling little hope, Just like her you can adjust the direction of the enterprise business, not many. Under the influence of the earthquake in Japan, auto makers around the world due to lack of Japanese car parts, have slowed down, stop or cut voices.

    chain in many industries, the Japanese have occupied almost the position of the source. iPad2 has 5 core components from Japan, not Japan's factory production, iPad2 out of stock of the Caucasian faces only. After the earthquake, overnight, the gray market in Hong Kong, original price $ 829 (about 6465 million) of the 64GB3G version iPad2 has been pushed up to close to 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars (about 12,634 yuan), is twice the retail price of U.S. market more. (Now back down to normal price)

    more frightening is that the industrial chain of the tight situation now is only just beginning, once the inventory runs out, if the Japanese factory's production has not fully recovered. For the global industry is concerned, it could be another very serious earthquake. Intensified with the nuclear accident in Japan would be really isolated from the outer world? Depletion of natural energy of the seismic aftershocks after the earthquake will be another industry worldwide occurred. This is what will affect the details of the number of chain? Who can say


    spare parts are Zhensan CEO Howard Stringer, Sony Group, a wheelchair, from Tokyo to New York, he was prepared to do a loose treatment of the back disc surgery, time have an appointment. He left feeling relaxed, because Sony has just released the group after adjustment of the new plan structure. But in the moment he reached the United States, over the phone but heard a

    the worst-hit northeastern Japan, has long been an important production base of Sony. Got on the phone, the Sony in the region, a Blu-ray Disc production factory, a research and development laboratory has suffered floods, about 1,100 people stranded at the top of the roof.

    without his method, Stringer delayed operation time. Even if the back is very painful, but he spent a whole day command of relief operations. Ryoji Chubachi, Sony's vice chairman and two other Japanese executives responsible for production and logistics focused rescue trapped workers, they took a lease of the helicopter to fly trapped in the disaster area to launch the Sony employees drinking water, food and other necessities.

    Sony has 41 factories worldwide, 80% of the profits are derived from markets outside Japan. But Stringer and Ryoji Chubachi's actions show that the earthquake on the Sony is not trivial. March 22, according to official sources, there are 11 Sony factory in Japan to suspend production, including production of digital SLR camera lens and Minokamo mobile phone factory, production of cameras, digital cameras Koda plant, factory production of optical components Tome Nakada and so on.

    This means that one of Sony production setbacks, profits damaged; Second, the Sony machine will lack many of the important parts (optical components, lenses, etc.), this is indeed affect the whole body the key. Sony part of the plant shutdown will affect the whole industrial chain of digital cameras.

    statistics, the current Japanese goods accounted for 80% of the global digital camera market share. One of the key components CCD (Charge Coupled Device) image sensors mainly by Sony, Panasonic and Sharp to provide a total market share of around 90%, controls the lifeblood of the global digital camera market. Japanese companies like to high-end products and core technologies to stay in Japan, Sony is certainly no exception, this may be the place to worry Stringer, the key parts production in Japan determine the source of supply of Sony's global factories.

    Sony is not the most affected. Nikon and Canon equipment, specialized production factories are located in the exposure of the hardest hit. According to Nikon to official sources, the greatest damage to Sendai, Miyagi NIKON NIKON and one month after restore operation. Fukushima Canon Utsunomiya is also in the cause of the cut-off stage,mac brushes, when no clear time to resume production. Panasonic also has a factory located in the earthquake zone, has been discontinued.

    similar industries such as digital cameras, there are many, the automotive industry is also a more prominent one. As of press time, Japan announced the shutdown of auto plants have as many as 30 or more. Goldman Sachs estimated that the department of Toyota Motor of Japan to stop operations, will lose 72 million U.S. dollars a day or more of the profits. Is also a more serious impact on the upstream parts. Guangzhou Toyota said, The automobile industry in the affected range. For example, Volkswagen and Ford Line of products matching the Japanese Aisin automatic transmission; Denso series parts products, but also for BMW, Volkswagen and other non-Japanese manufacturers support.

    This is this the real power of the earthquake: it has Zhensan electronic products and automobile spare parts industry upstream, will lead to a number of chain breakage.

    groups such simple figures: the Japanese semiconductor companies in the global market sales accounted for 21% of 2010 global top 20 semiconductor manufacturers, Japanese companies have 5; Japan's output of about FLASH Memory of the world's 36%, DRAM memory production accounts for about 14% of the world; Japan is the world's major semiconductor producer of silicon materials, Shin-Etsu, SUMCO were the first and the second largest global supplier of semiconductor wafers, the two companies together global market share of 60% or more, which the company Shin-Etsu's Shirakawa plant shutdown earthquake (located in Fukushima Prefecture), and its production accounts for the global semiconductor wafer production capacity of 22%.

    more terrible is that Japan can then further upstream in the semiconductor back: for the substrate on top of chips and printed circuit board connecting the BT resin, Mitsubishi Gas and more are being monopolized by Hitachi Chemical, BT resin production accounts for two of the more than 90% share of the world.

    on smart phones and Tablet PC industry has in-depth study of the Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. General Manager, Shui Qing Mu Hua Yu Jie, simply came out with a broad industry path: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical of BT resin Kinsus shipped to Taiwan and Unimicron to manufacture IC substrate; packaging companies such as ASE,mac makeup, SPIL will be connected to the substrate on the chip; mainland foundries, such as Foxconn will assemble the above components into the final product, such as smart phones, tablet computers.

    Mitsubishi Gas is a smart phone or tablet PC starting point for this road. Unfortunately, the Japanese earthquake devastated the plant, the latest news: BT resin plant in early April before the earthquake only resume production 25%, Stage 2 is studying the production plan.

    packaging manufacturers with a two-month general BT resin inventory. If after two months still does not supply BT resin, most of the smart phone will not produce. BT resin to the silicon material from the chip and then, finally to smart phones, tablet PCs, just that, and Japanese companies in this industry a long position in the chain - and irreplaceable. the same as BT resin

    almost entirely controlled by the Japanese material there ACF - LCD panel driver IC module combination of anisotropic conductive paste adhesive. According to MIC data, Hitachi Chemical and Sony Chemical's global market share of Jiucheng ACF, the ACF panel makers in Taiwan are from the two companies, Taiwanese companies ACF stock about a month now, by the nuclear crisis and the limited power of leak , if not quickly resume production, the Taiwan panel makers will be unable to because of lack of material production. South Korea panel makers, panel makers will face as the Chinese situation.

    manufacturers dealers uneasy restlessness

    Huaxing Power 8.5 generation LCD panel plant in Shenzhen lying quietly, waiting for August's production. TCL Group is one of its main investor. The official start date from early 2010, in order to quickly fill the high vacancy generation LCD panel production, TCL make every effort to catch up period, in accordance with the plans for one month in advance of the production. However, the Japanese earthquake suddenly struck, upset all the steps within the 80% of plant equipment, technology, spare parts need to import from Japan. Zhang Haibin

    Asahi Glass Company of Japan sent to China Mainland docking is mainly responsible for business people. A few days after the earthquake, he was sent to China headquarters in Tokyo, the first to go is Huaxing power. The future use of the glass Huaxing Power will come from the Asahi Glass. Asahi officials said, ), is part of the damaged equipment, is trying to recover.

    Zhang Haibin the China, the aim is for the TCL, BOE and other companies need to Asahi Glass panels illustrate this problem. After negotiations on the TCL, Zhang Haibin returned to Shanghai Asahi Glass Company.

    docking with TCL, Asahi Glass is more than just one, it involves hundreds of Japanese suppliers. The good news is that March 28 is the first batch of equipment into the factory installed. Nuclear leak out of the event lie in upgrading transport more difficult.

    Today, the entire LCD TV industry chain are facing an uncertain future. Japan is the originator of the LCD industry, although its LCD panel production capacity of only 15% of the world left

    right, but in the glass substrates, filters, polarizers, liquid crystal materials and other raw materials has occupied absolutely dominant part status. One glass production accounted for about 60% of the world, with Asahi Glass, Electric Glass, Plate Glass and other enterprises, Corning's first overseas plant also built in Japan; filter output accounts for 65% of the world, the world's top two filter chip companies - Toppan Printing and Dai Nippon Printing in Japan; polarizing film production accounts for nearly 50% of the world, with Nitto Denko (the world's largest Polaroid plant), Sumitomo Chemical and other enterprises; high share of global output of liquid crystal material nearly 40%, with Chisso and Rodic the two companies.

    these companies will more or less in the earthquake affected to some extent, but the most serious is that, in addition to Sharp, Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Chemical several enterprises, other enterprises and the upper reaches of the Japanese panel, raw materials, parts manufacturers set up factories in China were not present, many domestic LCD TV business executives have said in an interview, Parts supply affects, The only good news is that, after the panel maker in Taiwan and South Korea has been an oversupply of inventory that can guarantee the existing period of operation.

    than waiting for the recovery of Japan LCD TV makers. Even Apple, full of sexy, small and medium size Asahi had to wait to resume production of glass processing plant. iSuppli Corporation, Apple iPad2 on behalf of the tablet PC five parts in Japan are likely affected by the earthquake. This five parts were manufactured by Toshiba Nand flash memory chips, Elpida Memory Company production of dynamic random access memory, AKM Semiconductor production of electronic compass, Apple's Japanese unit production system battery and possibly responsible for production by the Asahi Glass Company nesting glass touch screen.

    3 月 25 日 Apple 25 countries and regions to the sale iPad2, of which Japan has been postponed. But many analysts believe, even on sale in Japan under the influence of the earthquake, timely delivery is a very big problem. Apple to ensure the iPad, iPhone production line to get adequate and stable supply of the touch panel, is working with Taiwan companies to negotiate, consider the increased offer. Apple is now of the global demand for 60% of the touch panel, and then raise its offer if the other small and medium scale companies will be more difficult

    a more favorable price and touch panel supply. In the tablet, touch screen smart phone competition, the cost of the same Apple will not fall. Apple how to address these thorny issues?

    compared with manufacturers, vendors are excited at this time. The day of the earthquake, HTC sales manager in China Yang Guang (a pseudonym) has received a dealer's phone, asking whether the smart phone will face the risk of shortages, because the main chips from Japanese companies. In accordance with normal procedures, Yang received the order intentions, will immediately ask the supply chain headquarters to Taiwan's situation. Yang Guang received the message from headquarters that the preparation of 80 days, no problem, but said after the state of the supply chain is not clear. Yang Guang said that now most agents are increasing orders.

    should be emphasized that, HTC OEM origin, the volume of the fourth highest in the world, large scale this year, the targets up to 5,000 million units, nearly doubled doubled, so the preparation will be reserved on greater volume. And the small mobile phone businesses, the amount of preparation will certainly be far less than 80 days. Well, the Japanese semiconductor affected, must be a large area of ​​the production smartphones. The prices of end products appears to be the trend.

    the market soon, the industrial chain of digital cameras made a response to the fracture. Sales staff will tell you, at this stage are SLR models offer an effective date. Web site produced in Japan, sales of digital cameras was also a significant price increase, such as a website before the earthquake on March 8, Nikon D700 digital SLR cameras offer for 14,099 yuan, and to March 17 rose to 14,999 yuan , March 18 rose to 15,699 yuan more.

    panic in the stock price rise. As a distributor of cosmetics, Xu Ling embarrassed to admit, Growing nuclear radiation made her realize that and demand position (JUJU), informed her in late delivery of goods, but also show that the shipping price will be reduced by 5%. not a large number of store goods.

    goods can not get out, Wu Tian Yingxiao but also can not go back. Takeda is the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association Beijing Office of the Director, to Beijing more than 1 year, no back ever since the New Year in Tokyo after the home, the earthquake was so busy that he even did not have time to go home to see it. His task is that each year the Chinese government to assist communication between headquarters and the development of relevant products and environmental standards, China to Japan to hold joint seminars and large-scale exhibition. Set the beginning of the year two meetings: the annual electronics show held in Tokyo and 4 months late and with the Ministry of Industry organized a seminar in Tokyo.

    after the earthquake, he confirmed the good news first: The two countries are developing standards for electronic product is still in an orderly manner. To his headache followed one by one hit. Tokyo Electronics Show has already established a date (October 4 to 8 days), but then halted promotional activities; communication with the Ministry of Industry has become difficult, because no one in identifying the real Japan, earthquake and nuclear radiation harm, 4 months late in meeting the files off naturally. He intended to take April's meeting, a trip back home, it seems has become impossible.

    to find a replacement in the reconstruction

    3 22, household appliances Sales Division of Hitachi Minister Tian Jian Guo headquarters in Shanghai receive emails from that after the earthquake cut Tochigi,vibram 5 fingers, Japan Ibaraki Prefecture, and two plants were the same day to resume production. After the earthquake, Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture will be immediately halted the cause of around 6, including power systems, urban development system, information control systems, automotive systems.

    At the same time, Hitachi is located in Tokyo's Chiyoda-ku, headquarters of the Vulnerability Information, research and implement countermeasures. Tian Jian Guo

    think is a Hitachi century enterprise, and has a complete crisis response system, He explained that thanks to a sound organizational structure system, the resumption of production while Hitachi has set up in early April, Interesting part is that this sector, both the role of disaster relief, but also looking for business opportunities in the role of post-disaster reconstruction. Hitachi also make a killing desire.

    think it makes reporters had telephoned the Hefei Sanyo recently chairman of Jinyou Hua, his resonant voice full of concern for the earthquake can not hear any emotion, orders continue to increase, the amount of incredible! Hefei Sanyo, Rongshida Group is a joint venture with Sanyo, one after another after they set up to undertake a Sanyo technology and key components of the production base does not depend on components Japan.

    Therefore, Tian Jian Guo reminded reporters note that The former generally has a complete industrial chain formed the structure of large companies, all kinds of raw materials but also their production, but also scattered around the world, you can balance and harmony. products, most manufacturers have a complete industrial chain of vertical, 80% or even 100% of the parts can be self-made. While the domestic color TV or a smart phone, 60% of the core components need to rely on imports.

    Home Air Conditioning Division of the United States have revealed the deputy general manager Fan, a similar view, enterprises, because many high-frequency air-conditioning products used in the IGBT inverter module needs to import from Japanese companies. That he was pleased that the main provider of Sanyo has a production base in Vietnam, and because a large amount of U.S. air-conditioning, the supplier will also ensure priority supply.

    In addition, the high-frequency air conditioners in the domestic market share and only a few percentage points, most of the IGBT inverter air conditioner in the low-end module can be found in the domestic suppliers.

    coming out from the current industry news can see that the Samsung has a complete industrial chain is rarely mentioned the impact of the earthquake, while the full light mode of operation of the assets will have to straitjacket imposed by Apple. Meanwhile, the low-end products by the impact of Japan's upstream industry chain, to less than high-end products. The quake, seemed to give the manufacturing industry provides two reference: a complete industrial chain of control are crucial to every business, especially in integrated production of electronic products; each plant should have coverage of high, medium , low-end product line.

    manufacturing are thinking An Another No matter what kind of

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