Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to make baby food supplement

baby pig

Q & History

4-6 months from the beginning, it is necessary to add supplementary food for children, to supplement the lack of nutrients in breast milk. Breastfeeding the child, the time may be appropriate complementary feeding early, but the situation should be based on the baby's physiological and physical need to choose the right food, to develop complementary feeding program. At the same time to follow from small to large quantities, from thin to thick, from fine to coarse, from one to several principles. Be sure to add complementary child health, digestive function is normal, stay sick best to add, can not be arbitrary or anxious, to follow the laws of science, otherwise easily lead to the child indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea and other adverse reactions.

babies 4-5 months, the first to add liquid, such as rice soup, orange juice, tomato juice, juice, etc., to supplement vitamin C, A and minerals.

5 months Add egg yolk, rotten porridge, fish paste, purée, fruit, mud, etc., can be chickens egg yolk. Will be crushed cooked egg yolk, transfer to a little milk into a paste with tsp feeding, day 1. From 1 / 4 egg yolks begin to feed all the normal 23 days after the child may be increased to half of the egg yolk, and then observed 2-3 days, increasing to eat an egg a day. To 6-7 months to eat Chawanmushi. Other pulp,vibram 5 fingers, add the purée and other similar methods.

6-7 months to the end to eat meat, liver paste, fish paste, biscuits, bananas, tofu, animal blood and so on.

8-9 months, gradually eating boiled eggs, soft rice, noodles, wonton, dumplings, eggs, bread, meat, broken dishes.

complementary feeding can be combined with the feeding time can be after a meal of milk, and to 6-7 months after breast-feeding between the two meals, and gradually reduce the number of feedings per day.

Here are a few ways to do the baby food supplement:

1. To make juice.

juice juice squeezer can be used, can also be used gauze Ji Zhi, or placed in a small bowl and press out the juice with a teaspoon. Such as fresh orange juice, fresh oranges can be washed, peeled orange meat in the bowl with a teaspoon of orange juice pressed out to remove debris immediately after. Make tomato juice, fresh tomatoes, washed, scalded with boiling water about, peeled, wrapped in gauze out of juice, can also be placed in a bowl with a spoon squeeze the juice can be poured.

to note that, so be sure to keep hands juice and utensils clean and disinfected can be boiled well in advance and then disinfected. Just make the juice can be heated or diluted with water and then add a little sugar to the children to drink. Do not buy products from the market for children to drink fruit juice, fruit juice because most of the higher sugar content, and different concentrations of preservatives. Homemade fruit juices rich in vitamin C and minerals.

2. Make soup.

fresh vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, rape, bean sprouts, radish, carrots, etc., washed, chopped. First turn on the water amount of the pot boil, add chopped vegetables, washed and boiled, and then simmer for 3-5 minutes, bean sprouts, carrots need boiled, let cool, take vegetable soup with a spoon to squeeze . Or soup with juice squeezed out of control, you can put the right amount of salt. This soup is rich in vitamin C, B, carotene and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on.

3. Make rice soup.

will pot of water boil, add rice, millet or washing clean, boil, and then slow fire boiled rotten porridge, rice soup can write out the food, soup, etc. can be added with the food . Tang Wei sweet rice soup, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, B and so on.

4. Make fish paste. Wash the fish

, to the scales, to remove internal organs, add a little salt in the pot, steamed, then peeled, gill, pick the fish in the bowl, squeeze into mashed with a spoon can also be picked from the braised fish on the fish production, fish paste can be joined together in fed children to eat gruel. Fish are rich in protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus, zinc and so on.

5. Do liver paste.

Wash raw liver into the pot, add water, aniseed, scallion, ginger, salt, soy sauce, boiled liver will remove, and then on a clean chopping board into small particles can be. Porridge or noodles can be put together in human consumption. The liver is rich in quality protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins, prevention and treatment of nutritional anemia of the best.

6. Chawanmushi.

the eggs hit the bowl, add appropriate amount of water (about 2 times the egg) and a pinch of salt and stir into the pot steamed or cooked into a solidified shape. To 8-9 months in advance when a child to eat into the amount of vegetable oil, can be directly fed to children to eat with a spoon. Ruannen egg soup delicious, nutritious, rich in protein, fat, especially egg yolk contains lecithin and iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, D, B, can

nutrition, brain, iron but also to meet the needs of infants.

7. Do purée.

fresh green leafy vegetables, carrots, potatoes, washed, chopped, into the pot, boil for 15 minutes stamping can also be steamed. Cooked, served in a bowl, then mashed with a teaspoon of Jiaocheng, can be placed together in eating gruel.

Food Links

[mushroom cooking heart]

ingredients: mushroom, small vegetables.

Method: Wash the mushroom to root cut into small pieces, small vegetables and wash dishes to take heart, Heat oil add cabbage and mushroom, acute Scoop half cooked, add salt and continue to fry dishes can be cooked.

[milk fish sticks]

raw materials: fish net.

Method: fish chop fish paste, add salt, egg white, starch mixture, steamed, remove the cooled, cut into strips. Add a little oil in the wok, add a little soup, salt, sugar, milk,blackhawks jerseys, boiled into fish sticks, thicken, pour a little sesame oil.

2009-06-07 19:25:41

evaluation of the questioner to the answer (star):


Q & History

I have not done that different from you, I do egg polenta, recently wanted to fish. 2009-06-07 17:50:59

Xi Xi Mommy

Q & History

medium term (7-8 months)

this period has already begun to adapt to the baby food supplement, you can gradually increase the frequency and volume. May be feeding 3 times a day, eating food supplement 2 times after eating food supplement can then eat milk. Complementary feeding is generally around 10 am and 6 pm or so children to eat, must be frequently changed varieties,mac brushes, by the time your baby exposed to different foods. The amount of food according to appetite and like to eat baby food to decide, but to prevent the partial eclipse, the baby can not be spoiled. Complementary feeding during this period include: porridge, bread, egg yolk open, soy products (tofu, boiled the lobster sauce), sauce to minced meat, fruit (start eating puree, gradually turned into pieces of fruit.) Can also provide training to the baby molar teeth cookies.

recommend a 7 to 9 months, your baby's diet

the following recipe is the amount of material in the production of the amount of time, usually when the baby could eat eat so much, should be the real baby need feeding. Recipe 7 to 9 months in addition to nutritional factors, there is a focus, is to pay attention to the food a certain hardness, such as toast, fish, shrimp and other hand-holding to eat, can increase nutrient levels and help the long teeth, Learning to eat. Reduce the heavy rare soft or lack of animal foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, liver, etc) food supplement.

Egg yellow soup


egg yolk, spinach leaves, carrots, water amount


1. Beaten egg yolk, mixed with appropriate amount of water, dilute.

2. Into the steamer, with a slightly smaller medium heat about 5 minutes.

3. The spinach leaves and carrots cooked soft ground into very fine, on the egg yolk soup can be.

Nutrition Tips:

egg yolk to the oil-rich fat, lecithin, cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., in which the lecithin helps to strengthen your baby's memory.

bean paste


North tofu 20 grams, water amount


tofu into the pot, add water . Edge crush the tofu while cooking. Tofu cooked (time not too long, to prevent the tofu boiled baby should not be digested) into the bowl after, followed by grinding to smooth tofu can be.

Nutrition Tips:

North tofu is made with brine coagulant, because moisture content is not high, more suitable for frying, boiling, frying and so on. Tofu is the most important nutrients of protein per 100 grams of tofu inside, protein content accounts for 34%.

almond broccoli tomato mix


3 broccoli, tomato half, almond 25 grams


1. After Wei Chao almonds, ground into very fine

2. Peeled tomatoes crushed

3. Spent on soft steamed broccoli steamer, and after mixing with the tomato, mix ground almonds at the end can be good.

Nutrition Tips:

the nutritional value of almonds is very balanced,mac makeup, not just animal proteins contain similar nutrients, such as protein and fat, also contains specific plant components cellulose. Almond is the most abundant vitamin B17, which is a very effective anti-cancer substances.

broccoli green color, high nutritional value. Fresh curd per 100 grams of protein products containing 3.5 to 4.5 grams. In addition to the content of minerals are higher than in cabbage flowers, broccoli is also rich in folic acid.

combination of apple and banana fruit


apples, bananas, water, cinnamon (this is used to ornament more meaningful, the mother can be like the other baby Ingredients place)


1. Apple cut into small pieces and placed on the plate.

2. Pour 3 tablespoons of the apple water, heated in a microwave oven until apples soften and 40 seconds.

3. Sprinkle a little cinnamon in the apple, add mashed banana for the baby to eat.

carrot tomato soup


1 small carrot root, 1 tomato, water amount


1. Carrots, peeled, ground into mud.

2. Peeled tomatoes soaked in warm water, stir into sauce.

3. Turn on the water pot, water boiling, add carrot and tomato juice mud, with the fire boil, Gaixiao fire until done.

Nutrition Tips:

tomatoes are vitamin A and vitamin C by the source, good for blood. Moisture content per 100 grams tomatoes 95 grams, 1.2 grams of protein, fat 0.4 g, carbohydrates 2.2 g, calcium 23 mg.

delicious chicken casserole


onion, chicken breast 1, 1 tablespoon oil, 1 carrot, water amount, peas, 50 grams of mushrooms and three Four


1. Onion, chopped chicken breast to Piqie Ding, carrots washed cut Piqie Ding, mushrooms soaked Houqie Ding

2. Casserole put oil, until the oil heat, add onion and muscular, slightly stir fry, add carrots, mushrooms and water, stir well after the close the lid.

3. Simmer 20 minutes, add peas, cook for 5 minutes.

Nutrition Tips:

fat content of chicken breast meat is very low, but a lot of vitamins. 100 grams of muscle per 13 mg of calcium, phosphorus 190 mg, 1.5 mg of iron.

egg bread


whole wheat bread, 1 slice, 1 egg, oil and a little


1. Eggs and mix into egg mixture.

2. Heat the oil into the frying pan.

3. Both sides of bread dipped in egg, into the hot oil in fry until golden on both sides.

4. With absorbing paper to absorb excess oil on the bread, the bread cut into finger shape for the baby to eat, can also be used tomato meal.

Nutrition Tips:

eggs, rich in quality protein, eggs per 100 grams of protein containing 12.7 grams. Eggs are particularly rich in methionine, while grains and beans are essential amino acids that the human body, so the egg mixture with the consumption of cereals or legumes, can improve the utilization of the latter two.

sweet and salty sweet potato pie


1 small sweet potato, rice flour, onion, salt, peanut oil, the amount


1. Steamed or boiled sweet potato, peeled broken.

2. Add warm water and rice flour, warm water to maintain the soft sticky sweet potatoes for the degree.

3. Chopped onion, and salt together in place, with both hands, rub, press into a round cake from the ball to facilitate holding the baby.

4. Pan put oil into the joy of the small round cake, attention turned face, not fried paste. Slightly yellow and thick, can be sung out on plate.


butterfly clutch material:

butterfly-shaped pasta, meat, carrots, mushrooms, onions, water, adequate

practices: < br>
1. After boiling pot of water to be placed in pasta and cook for 15 minutes until soft side up.

2. The carrots, mushrooms, diced onion with a little cooking oil fried soft, then add meat stir fry a while.

3. When the baby to eat according to taste, with the meat sauce into the amount of frying. As a butterfly-type side, the baby can take advantage of their own hands.

Nutrition Tips:

pasta is usually made of flour, eggs, salt and water mixture, from whole wheat flour or bean flour pasta is made, the deeper the color, nutrition are more abundant.

mushrooms contain 30 kinds of enzymes and 18 amino acids, 8 amino acids needed by the body, the mushrooms in there 7. Per 100 grams of dried mushroom contains 13 grams of protein.

onion is a set of medical, health and nutrition in one of the characteristics of vegetables. Contains 100 grams of onion for each 1.6 grams of protein, carbohydrates 6.3 g, fiber 0.5 g, calcium 12 mg.

egg tofu soup


rice, lean pork, 25 grams, 15 grams of bean curd, egg half, a little salt.


1. The lean pork chop for the mud, crush tofu, egg shell, the half of the egg mix powder.

2. Wash the rice, Zhuojia water, simmer slow fire eight mature nowadays mess, continue to cook.

3. The tofu in the egg into the portion of congee, stir cook until cooked eggs, transferred to a little salt.

Nutrition Tips:

pork rich in protein and fat, high-quality delivery, with a kidney nourishing effect.

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7 times the porridge (with reference to the practice 4 to 6 months baby food supplement recipe) 50 grams, 15 grams of cooked tender corn.


can boil a mixture of both. Cai Yu

chicken (can be used for 8 to 9 months of the child, chicken cut into your baby's chewing the end of exercise capacity may be)


7 times the porridge 150 grams chicken 15 grams, 10 grams of rape leaves.


1. Chopped cooked chicken, cooked boiled leaves, chopped, set aside.

2. Add cooked chicken porridge, add a small amount of salt, taste the very light, no salt flavor to the basic taste, cook until soft then add chicken and rape at the end, you can turn off the heat after 1 minute.

Nutrition Tips:

rape contains nutrients, calcium, iron and vitamin C, carotene content is very rich. Just pay attention to leftover cooked rape do not give children to eat, so as to avoid nitrite deposition.

fish meat ravioli


20 grams of fish without thorns, wonton skin

appropriate practices:

1. 20g minced meat to take no thorns water, and salt, sesame oil Ban Cheng, and wrapping into the wonton skin.

2. The wontons into the boiling broth in soup pot can be put in a small amount of shredded seaweed.

cooked noodles


10 grams of dried noodles, chicken breast 5 grams, 3 grams of carrots, spinach, 3 grams, 100 ml broth.


1. Minced chicken and salt with Qianfen grasp, into the soft cooked carrots with broth and soup made of spinach cooked.

2. Add the cooked noodles into small pieces and cook for 2 minutes.

Nutrition Tips:

high nutritional value of spinach, per 100 grams of spinach contains 2.6 grams of protein, is the highest protein content in vegetable species. Also contains more carotene, even comparable with the carrots. Calcium, iron content is higher, respectively, 66 mg, 2.9 mg. When cooking with hot water is boiled first to remove the influence of calcium, iron absorption of oxalic acid.

fried noodles


20 grams of dried noodles, prawns 1 carrot 20 grams, 20 grams of vegetables, salad oil 10 grams

practice :

will be chopped cooked noodles, add fried shrimp, carrots, cabbage very fine, add a small amount of soy sauce can be.

Nutrition Tips:

shrimp tastes delicious, rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, iodine, etc., and rich in quality protein content of up to 20%. In addition, the shrimp with glycine, this amino acid content is higher, the higher the flavor of shrimp. chicken noodle salad


noodles, 20 grams, 20 grams of the late chicken, carrots mud, the end of each 10 grams of spinach, beaten eggs, juice of half a < br>

1. 100ML noodle soup to chopped cooked with.

2. The end of the chicken, carrot paste, spinach into the soup together in the end, add eggs, juice and stir well over low heat until cooked eggs until cool and serve.

mushrooms shrimp buns


boiled eggs, mushrooms, shrimp, pig meat, the amount of

self raising flour Method:

1. The eggs, mushrooms, shrimp and minced pork meat after the mix, plus a small amount of sauce made of stuffing.

2. In advance and good self-raising flour, wake up 30 to 60 minutes, make dough.

3. Wrap dumplings, on the tray and steam for 15 minutes.

Nutrition Tips:

edible mushroom is a large fungus, is the Four Seasons edible delicacies, the In addition to protein-rich, the mushrooms also contain vitamins A, B, C and other vitamins and calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and other minerals. These substances are beneficial to the growth and development of the baby.

meat potato pie


20 grams of salmon, cooked taro amount


will be cooked 20 grams and the same amount of salmon cooked taro chopped, mix well, shape into cakes, fried in the pan put a little click.

minced chicken sandwiches, potato


potatoes 1 / 3, 2 tsp onion, minced chicken, 2 tsp butter 1 / 2 tsp , a little salt, 2 tablespoons broth, cheese powder, a little, a little celery.


onion, minced chicken and fry in butter sandwich two layers film of cooked potatoes, cheese powder, add broth to boil the potatoes after the burning of Hamburg on surface, sprinkle a little celery, a microwave oven or oven roasted, the flavor

7 am to 10 am rotten milk noodle bowl (add some liver paste, purée, etc) 12:00 breast 15:00 biscuits, bread, add some mashed food (applesauce, mashed potatoes, etc.) drink a bowl of milk, rice cereal at 6 pm 9 pm breastfeeding their children should eat if she can give the child breast-fed several times .

7-9 months after the breast milk volume and nutrient content decreased and the number of mothers have already begun to work, want to continue breast-feeding? From the baby's physical and psychological situation, should adhere to the breastfeeding. The number of mothers breast-feeding before six months old can be more reduced, but not prematurely weaned. Breast milk during this period, although the protein content less, but still better than milk. If the mother does not work, then, should adhere to the more breast-feeding. If the mother to work, still according to schedule time to breastfeed her child in order to avoid excessive secretion of milk decreased, affecting the child's nutrition. Adhere to the breastfeeding of the child's development is conducive to further good without disadvantages, however, the best way is to gradually reduce the number of breast-feeding, complementary food gradually increased, and over to feed the children before going to sleep, the night is not to feeding, and gave him until the morning before feeding. Some kids night fitfully, wake up we should nurse, you can let the children eat before going to sleep in a mother milk, so that children can often persist into the morning. Breast-feeding is best to feed at night.

7-9 month period, should be added to supplementary food to infants have:

(1) dish of water, juice and cod liver oil preparation, these foods continue to feed the baby.

(2) rice cereal or milk paste, egg yolk mud, mashed potatoes, animal blood, purée, pulp, rotten porridge, the food from 4-6 months to start adding, you can still continue to add.

(3) In addition, 7-September should be the newly added food: bad or rotten rice noodles, bread, biscuits, fish, eggs, liver paste, tofu, minced meat and so on.

add noodles or rotten rotten rice, mainly to add some energy to provide some minerals, dietary fiber; bread, biscuits in addition to add some energy to provide some minerals, dietary fiber, but also sharpen the baby gums promote tooth eruption. Fish, whole eggs, liver paste, tofu and minced meat and other foods, mainly to provide high-quality protein, iron and zinc and other trace elements, but also provide some fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. 2009-06-07 19:19:29

baby pig

Q & History

you want to do,

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